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Benefits of Veneers for Your Teeth


There are many ways to improve your smile; sometimes teeth can be misaligned, chipped or stained but there are many solutions to transform your smiles. And this can be a great way to boost confidence as well.

Dental veneers can improve the aesthetics of your smile. These are custom made shells of composite resin or porcelain that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth. And the veneers will be crafted to match the colour, shape and size of your natural teeth so that you are able to have a natural looking smile. This can help build your self-esteem. There are many reasons for teeth to become discoloured such as smoking, ageing, and consuming food and drinks that can stain teeth.

But veneers are vey resistant to stains. You will not have to worry about discolouration when you have porcelain veneers because they can retain their original appearance for years without being affected by stains. So you don’t have to avoid drinking coffee, tea or red wine to prevent your teeth from getting stained.

In veneers, there is a thin layer of tooth enamel is removed

This is removed from the front surface of the teeth to accommodate veneers. However, this is very minimal compared to the amount of tooth enamel removed when it comes to other cosmetic dental procedures such as crowns. And only a thin layer is removed, much of the natural tooth is preserved ensuring your teeth remains healthy and strong.

Veneers can last a long time with proper care. For example, porcelain veneers can last for about 10-15 years as long as you take good care of your dental hygiene. And this means you will be able to enjoy your smile for a long time without worrying about replacing the veneers. Make sure to visit the dentist regularly so that they can monitor the condition of the veneers.

Veneers are also a non-invasive procedure

So you don’t need to deal with an extensive recovery period. The process is quite simple. You will have an initial consultation with the dentist and the next stage includes taking impressions of your teeth and preparing them. Your custom veneers will then be fabricated in a dental laboratory and at a follow-up appointment they will be bonded to your teeth. It is a quick procedure and you don’t have to book multiple visits to the dentist to get this done.

Your self-confidence will improve with the application of the veneers as you will no longer be worrying about the imperfections of your smile. And this will help you maintain social interactions easily and gradually develop a more positive self-image. Veneers are a solution provided by cosmetic dentistry addressing stained teeth, misaligned teeth, gaps between teeth, worn out or chopped teeth etc.

Therefore, it can provide a comprehensive solution to many of the issues you have with your teeth. The veneers also look and feel natural as it blends seamlessly with the existing teeth. You can care for them just as you would your natural teeth. You need to brush and floss teeth to clean and keep to regular dentist visits for check-ups. Apart from that, there is no special maintenance required.

the authorMarcelBancroft